If you've tried using kintone's expense reimbursement sample app but find it a little unsatisfactory, you can customize it to make it practical. In order to realize expense management with kintone, it is necessary to create multiple apps. We will create and customize the application after understanding your company's requirements.
I tried to settle expenses from the kintone sample app, but I couldn't follow the internal rules and a lot of manual input occurred. Customization with JS and plugins has made it much easier to use based on company regulations.
Hiroaki Harada
general Affairs
Employee information app
Each employee can manage by looking at his / her paid history. You can immediately see the remaining paid balance and when you used it.
Basic employee information and paid management related records
Expense reimbursement app
Various customizations are possible in addition to the standard functions of kintone. You can reduce manual input by inserting rules based on company regulations.
Basic information Process management, boss designation, etc.
If you enter a business trip route, you can check it on the Yahoo route or Google map.
Various customizations are possible, such as automatically entering the amount when you check the daily allowance based on company rules.
Expense management system kintone
We will customize it to meet your company's internal regulations. Please contact us for more information.