A band typically has multiple components, as in the example shown below.

When rendering a report, the height of some components may automatically change to fit the size of the content. This can lead to unnecessary splits in your layout, as shown below.

To prevent this, you can bind the bottom border of the component to the bottom border of the container in which the component is placed. This binding is done using the GrowToHeight property.
GrowToHeight property
Setting the GrowToHeight property to true binds the bottom border of all components that do not resize to the bottom border of the container.
caution:The GrowToHeight property bands the bottom border of the component to the border of its container, whether that container is a band or panel component.
This gives consistent and much nicer looking results as you can see below.

By default the GrowToHeight property is set to false.
Handling multiple components
If you have multiple components in a band that can be automatically resized, you can set the GrowToHeight property of all these components to true. This will automatically adjust the height of these components based on the height of the tallest component.
caution:The GrowToHeight property can be set on components that resize automatically or on components that do not. In this case, if the bottom border does not match the container's bottom border, this component will be automatically sized.