To configure the series, there are some properties in the series editor that allow you to visually arrange the rows and change some advanced settings.

Border color property is used to change the border color of each series in the chart.

 The Brush property is used to change the fill type and color of the series.

 The value of the Show Shadow property determines whether shadows for the series are displayed. If the Show Shadow property is set to true, the shadow will be visible. If the Show Shadow property is set to false, no shadow will be displayed.

The Show Zeros property can take two values depending on whether the chart shows or hides the zero values. If the Show Zeros property is set to true, the chart will show zero values. If the Show Zeros property is set to false, zero values will not be displayed on the chart.

 Using the Width property it is possible to change the width of the created value. The value of this property varies from 0 (values greater than 0) to 1 (values less than or equal to 1). The minimum value corresponds to the minimum width and the maximum value to the maximum width.

 The Axis Y property affects the position of the Y axis. If the Axis Y property is set to Left Y Axis, the Y axis will be aligned to the left. If the Axis Y property is set to Right Y Axis, the Y axis will be aligned to the right.

 The Show in Legend property changes the display mode of the legend. If the Show in Legend property is set to true, the series will be displayed in the legend. If the Show in Legend property is set to false, the series will not appear in the legend.

The Show Series Labels property can take three values, depending on which title series to show/hide. If the Show Series Labels property is set to None, no series labels will be displayed. If the Show Series Labels property is set to fromCharts, the series labels will be displayed according to the parameters set in the chart's Series Labels property. If the Show Series Labels property is set to fromSeries, the Series Labels property will be displayed in the Series Editor. This property can be parameterized and will be displayed according to the parameters set in the chart's Series Labels property.

 You can change the label of the series using the title property. Any characters entered in the field for this property will be the label.