Conditional formatting allows you to change the font size of text components. Let's take a closer look at changing the font size of the text component's content. The following image shows the report page.

For example, you can display the content of a text component on odd and even lines using different font sizes. To do this, select a text component (for example, a text component containing the {Customers.Country} expression) in the DataBand and invoke the Condition Editor. Next, we need to specify the conditions. Example: Line%2 == 1 . Change the formatting options (font size in this case). The following image shows the Condition Editor dialog box.

After making changes to the report template, the reporting engine performs conditional formatting of the text components according to the specified parameters. In this case, the font size of the selected text component is changed conditionally. The following image shows a page of a report rendered with conditional formatting.

As shown in the image above, the Country column text components in even and odd rows use different font sizes.