Currency format

To display the number as currency, use the Currency format. This format is specifically designed to output currency values.

Sets the currency format for the Unit Price column.

 information:An important point when setting a currency format is the choice of currency you need.
The same value can be one of the currencies of the United States, the European Union, China, and other countries.

For example, prices are displayed in US dollars. Then select the appropriate currency symbol and determine the format parameters.

Previously, there were two ways to determine the format mask.

 Local settings format the text according to the operating system's current settings.

 Each parameter is manually defined by the format mask.

In both cases, there may be disadvantages. For example, if you want to change the format parameters in the local settings, you need to edit the OS format. In the second case, if you need to change one parameter, you need to adjust the other parameters as well. Considering the disadvantages of these methods, there is a third way to determine the format. You can change any parameter format using local settings. To do this, set the flag next to the parameter and set its value.

  Group separator

Group separators separate currency values into numeric positions.

  Local settings

If you use the local setting, the currency value will be formatted according to the current OS installation.

 Number of digits after the decimal point

The number of decimal places, which is used to format the value of the currency.

Decimal separator

Used as a decimal delimiter to separate currency values in the format.

 Group separator

Used as a group separator when currency values are formatted

 Group size

The number of digits in each group in the currency value format.

Positive pattern

This pattern is used to format positive values.

Negative pattern

This pattern is used for negative value formats

 Currency symbol

This symbol is used to define the currency name.

Let's return to the above example. Change only the "Positive Pattern" and "Currency Symbol" parameters. Other parameters are determined by local settings.