Minor ticks indicate the percentage of one axis segment. Minor ticks have the following properties: MinorCount, MinorLength, MinorVisible.

 Minor Count is used to change the number of minor ticks. The value of this property is any positive number or 0. The distance between the two closest major ticks is divided equally by the number of minor ticks. Below is an example of a chart with the X and Y axis Minor Count property set to 4.

 Minor Length is used to change the length of minor ticks. The value of this property can be any positive number greater than 0 and the field for this property cannot be blank. The minor tick length can be longer than the minor tick length.

 Minor Visible is used to show/hide minor tick marks on the axis. Minor tick marks are hidden if the value of the Minor Visible property is set to false. Minor Visible is visible if the value of this property is set to true. Below is an example chart with the X-axis Minor Visible property set to true and the Y-axis Minor Visible property set to false.

By default the MinorVisible property is set to false.