Horizontal placement properties

The Legend's HorizontalAlignment property allows you to align the Legend horizontally. The full path to this property is Legend.HorizontalAlignment. This property has the following values: Left outside, left, center, right, right outside.

Value description:

 Left outside.. The legend is placed outside the chart area on the left. The following figure showsHorizontal AlignmentThe property isOn LeftOut SideIf set, indicates where the legend will be placed.

 left.. The legend is placed in the graph area on the left. The following figure showsHorizontal AlignmentThe property isTo LeftIndicates where the legend will be placed if set.

 center.The legend is placed in the central graph area. The following figure showsHorizontal AlignmentThe property isTo CenterIndicates where the legend will be placed if set.

 right.. The legend is placed in the graph area on the right. The following figure showsHorizontal AlignmentThe property isRightIf set, indicates where the legend will be placed.

 Right outside.. The legend is placed outside the graph area on the right. The following figure showsHorizontal AlignmentThe property isRightOut SideIf set, indicates where the legend will be placed.

By defaultHorizontal AlignmentThe property isTo LeftIt is set.