Cut Pie List property

Pie charts represent an opportunity to show the contribution of each value to the total while highlighting individual values. To pick and choose segments in a pie chart, you must specify values for the series' Distance and CutPieList properties in the series editor. The Distance property indicates the distance from the center of the chart to the closest point of the pullout segment. The CutPieList property has a series of lists that can be plucked and separated";". The following image shows an example pie chart with the second slice of the first series pulled out. The distance is 1/60th of an inch.

If the CutPieList property field is populated and the Distance property field is not, no segments will be pulled. If the Distance property field is populated and the field CutPieList property is not populated, all segments of this series will be pulled to the distance corresponding to the value of the Distance property. The following image is an example of a chart with all segments of Series 1 pulled out because the field in the CutPieList property is not populated and the Distance property is set to 1/100th of an inch.