Royal TPG Post KIX4-State

This symbol is used by the Royal Dutch TPG Post (Netherlands) for postal codes and automatic postal divisions. Provides information about the recipient's address. This symbol encodes alphanumeric characters (0-9, A-Z). Barcode is also known as Royal TNT Post Kix, Dutch KIX 4-State Barcode, Kix Barcode, TPG KIX, Klantenindex Barcode, TPGPOSTKIX.

Check digit:none

The barcode consists of four types of bars, divided into three areas: ascenders, trackers and descenders. The structure of a barcode is shown in the figure below.

 full bar;




 Ascending area;

 tracking area;

 Descending area;

Royal TPG Post KIX4 State Barcode. "1234567890123" is the number encoded in the barcode.