Page footer band

The page footer band is for printing information such as page number, date, company information, etc. at the bottom of the page. The Page Footer band prints at the bottom of each page of the report. There is no limit to the number of Page Footer Bands that can be placed on a page.

 caution:The number of page footer bands is virtually unlimited except for the available space.


Create a new report and drop 3 bands onto the page. A page footer band that displays the current page number and the number of pages in the report, a data band that outputs data, and a header band that outputs the data column headers. Drop a Text component on the Page Footer band and enter an expression like the following in the Text property editor:


 note:Instead of entering an expression, you can also select the expression from the system variables in the Expression Editor.

The result looks like this:

If you run the report now, you will see that the page number is printed at the bottom of each page.