The EAN-8 barcode was developed for use in small packages. It is used in place of the EAN-13 barcode when the nominal size EAN-13 barcode covers more than 25% of the printed surface of the package, such as a gum package.

Valid symbols:0123456789
length:Fixed, 8 characters
Check digit:One, modulo 10 algorithm

The structure of the TEAN-8 barcode is the same as that of the EAN-13 barcode. The check digit is calculated automatically regardless of the input data.

The barcode contains the following data:

 3 digits – a prefix that represents a country's organization.

 4 digits – product code.

 1 digit – check digit

This barcode does not contain the producer's code and has only 4 digits. Therefore, 10000 samples can be registered per tissue, and the EAN-8 barcode will be provided only to the tissues that are really needed.

"EAN-8" barcode.

 A number that the operator can use if the label is damaged or cannot be scanned for some reason. "12345670" is a barcode-encoded number.