special character

For example, you may need to use French or German phrases on your website pages, or display HTML code examples on your pages. For this purpose the curly bracket characters, the opening “<“ and the closing “>” are used. Defines the first and last characters of the tag. For example, to display a "greater than sign" or an opening "<" curly brace, use "& lt ;"Use the. letters are used. Each letter has&-ASCIII have a code and a specific& #**** format. **** is a number. pointing&-ASCIIcode, the appropriate symbols are printed on the page. Also, some characters have&-nameI have a code,&there is****format. **** is the alphabetic name of the character. Below is a table of the most frequently used characters.

special character

common nameISOLatin-1 Numeric Entities&-ASCII&-name
quotation marks""& # 034;&quot;
ampersand&& # 038;&amp;
no break space & # 160;&nbsp;
Inverted exclamation point¡& # 161;&ixcl;
cent¢& # 162;& cent;
GBP££& # 163;&lb;
common currency¤& # 164;& curren;
Yen symbol¥& # 165;&Circle;
broken vertical bar¦& # 166;&brvbar;
clause symbol§& # 167;& sect;
diaeresis¨& # 168;&uml;
Copyright©& # 169;&copy;
feminine ordinalª& # 170;& ordf;
left guillemot«& # 171;»
not sig¬& # 172;&No;
soft hyphen& # 173;&shy;
registered trademark®& # 174;&reg;
Macron¯& # 175;&macr;
degree symbol°°& # 176;& deg;
plus or minus±±& # 177;&plusmn;
superscript 2²& # 178;&sup2;
superscript 3³& # 179;&sup3;
acute accent´& # 180;&acuate;
Muµ& # 181;& micro;
paragraph mark& # 182;&para;
dot in the middle& # 183;&middot;
cedilla¸& # 184;& cedil;
Superscript 1¹& # 185;&sup1;
masculine ordinalº& # 186;&ordm;
right guillemot»»& # 187;»
a quarter of a fraction¼& # 188;&frac14;
half a fraction½& # 189;&frac12;
3/4 of a fraction¾& # 190;&frac34;
inverted question mark¿& # 191;& iquest;


capital a, grave accentNS& # 192;&Agrave;
capital A, acute accentNS& # 193;&Acute;
uppercase a, circumflexNS& # 194;&Acirc;
capital A, tildeNS& # 195;&Atilde;
capital a, diaeresisNS& # 196;& Auml;
Capital A, RingNS& # 197;&ring;
capital AE diphthongÆ& # 198;&AElig;
Capital C, CedillaNS& # 199;& Ccedil;
capital E, grave accentÈ& # 200;& Egrave;
capital E, acute accentE& # 201;&Eacute;
uppercase E, circumflexÊ& # 202;& Ecirc;
capital E, diaeresisË& # 203;&Euml;
Capital I, Axane GraveMe& # 204;& Igrave;
Capital I, Acute AccentMe& # 205;& Iacute;
Capital I, Circumflex AccentMe& # 206;&Icirc;
Capital I, DialesisMe& # 207;& Iuml;
Capital SNS& # 208;& ETH;
Capital N, TildeNS& # 209;& Ntilde;
Capital O, Axen GraveÒ& # 210;& Ograve;
capital O, acute accentÓ& # 211;& Oacute;
capital o, circumflexÔ& # 212;&Ocirc;
capital o, tildeÕ& # 213;&Otilde;
Capital O, DialesisÖ& # 214;&Ouml;
multiplication signXX& # 215;&times;
uppercase O, forward slashØ& # 216;& Oslash;
capital U, grave accentÙ& # 217;& Ugrave;
uppercase U, acute accentÚ& # 218;&Uacute;
uppercase u, circumflexÛ& # 219;&Ucirc;
uppercase U, diaeresisU& # 220;&Uuml;
uppercase Y, acute accentÝ& # 221;& Yacute;
Capital ThornNS& # 222;& THORN;
german sz ligatureNS& # 223;&szlig;

lowercase LATIN-1 letters

lowercase a, grave accentNS& # 224;&agrave;
lowercase a, acute accentNS& # 225;& aacute;
lowercase a, circumflexNS& # 226;&acirc;
lowercase a, tildeNS& # 227;& atilde;
lowercase a, diaeresisNS& # 228;&auml;
lowercase a, ringNS& # 229;&ring;
lowercase ae ligatureæ& # 230;&aelig;
lowercase c, cedillaNS& # 231;& ccedil;
lowercase e, grave accentè& # 232;& egrave;
lowercase e, acute accenté& # 233;&eacute;
lowercase e, circumflexê& # 234;&ecirc;
lowercase e, diaeresisl& # 235;&eml;
lowercase i, grave accentMe& # 236;& igrave;
lowercase i, acute accentMe& # 237;&iacute;
lowercase i, circumflexMe& # 238;& icirc;
lowercase i, dieresisMe& # 239;&iuml;
lowercase ethNS& # 240;& eth;
lowercase n, tildeNS& # 241;&ntilde;
lowercase o, grave accentò& # 242;&ograve;
lowercase o, acute accentó& # 243;& o cute;
lowercase o, circumflexô& # 244;& ocirc;
lowercase o, tildeõ& # 245;&otilde;
lowercase o, dieresiso& # 246;&ouml;
division sign÷& # 247;& Divide;
lowercase o, forward slashø& # 248;&oslash;
lowercase u, grave accentù& # 249;&ugrave;
lowercase u, acute accentú& # 250;&uacute;
lowercase u, circumflexû& # 251;&ucirc;
lowercase u, diaeresisu& # 252;&uuml;
lowercase y, acute accentý& # 253;& yacute;
lowercase thornsNS& # 254;& thorn;
lowercase y, diaeresisÿ& # 255;&yuml;