Code 93 is a variable length symbolology that can fully encode 128 ASCII character sets. This barcode was developed as an extended version of the Code 93 barcode. This barcode has a higher density than Code 93 and Code 128.
Valid symbols: | 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $ / +% space |
length: | variable |
Check digit: | Algorithm based on 2, 47 |
Code 93 Barcodes can encode groups of Latin letters (A to Z), numbers (0 to 9), and special characters. Barcodes always contain two check characters. Each character consists of nine modules combined into three groups (hence the name code 93). Each group has one black bar and one white bar.

"Code 93" barcode. "ABC-123" is a barcode-encoded number.
Extension code 93 is a version of the code 93 barcode that supports a set of ASCII characters. All additional symbols are encoded as a sequence of two code 93 characters. The first character is always one of four special characters. Therefore, the scanner can always identify different versions of barcodes.

"Code 93 Extension" barcode. "Abc +" is a barcode-encoded number.