The pie chart location series labels depend on the value of the SeriesLabels property. This property can take the following values: none, inner edge, middle, outer, 2 columns.
none. Series labels are not shown. The following image shows an example of a pie chart with series labels set to None.
inner edge . The series label appears inside the slice and far from the center. The following image shows an example of a pie chart with series labels set to the inner edge.
Central. A series label appears in the middle of the slice. The following image shows an example of a pie chart with a series label set to center.
outside. Series labels are displayed outside the chart, but in the area of the circle. The following image shows an example of a pie chart with series labels set to outside.
2 rows. Series labels are displayed outside the chart in two columns on the left and right sides of the chart. The following image shows an example of a pie chart with series labels set to two columns.