If you need to set the color of the values in your chart, you can specify a condition. To set conditional formatting, use the Conditions property of the series editor. Use this property to invoke the condition editor. The figure below shows the main elements of the condition editor.

 the field is

This is used to select the type of condition.

 data type

This field specifies the type of data on which the condition works. There are five types of data: strings, numbers, datetimes, booleans, and expressions. The data type affects how reporting tools process conditions. For example, if the data type is a string, the method for working with strings is used. Also, depending on the data type, the list of available operations for conditions will change. For example, for String data types, only the Containing operation is available. The Expression data type allows you to specify an expression in place of the second value. In this case, the reporting tool does not check compatibility between the first and second values of the condition. So the user should take care of the correctness of the expression.


The type of operation used to calculate the value.


is the first value in the condition


Select a color to mark the value corresponding to the condition.